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In her recent time with us at our 75th Anniversary Dinner, Diane Dance (spouse of Bishop Terry Dance) spoke to us about an opportunity to assist Camp Huron. She followed up with the following letter:

The Anglican Foundation has launched its fourth annual Say Yes to Kids campaign. This year we are pleased to be partnering with Camp Huron who has set a goal of $20,000 to be used for bursaries. Camp Huron believes that no child should be turned away because of their financial circumstances. In response to this initiative, there has been an exciting development. The Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) 2024 Say Yes! to Kids campaign has received a remarkable $10,000 matching gift from the Diocese of Huron ACW in support of the Diocese of Huron Says Yes! to Camp Huron campaign.

In his letter, Bishop Todd asks us to “Please give generously to this year's Say Yes! to Camp Huron campaign and help to grow a brighter future for young people in the Diocese of Huron and beyond.” I would invite you and your parish family to join me in supporting this exciting initiative for Camp Huron, our most significant ministry to our children.

Sincerely, Diane Dance
AFC Diocesan Representative for Huron

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