Listed below are a number of ways in which you can make a financial or food donation to St. Andrew's Memorial Anglican Church for the church’s ministry in Kitchener-Waterloo and beyond. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Tax receipts will be mailed to identifiable donors before the end of February of the following year.
We do not take up a money offering collection during our Worship Service. An Offering Basket is available at the rear of the worship space into which your donation can be placed. If you wish to have a tax receipt, please place your donation into one of the offering envelopes available in the pews (or ask a greeter to give you one) and fill in the requested information.
There are also wooden boxes in the Narthex (vestibule at top of stairs) into which contribution to our Neighborhood Food Cupboard ministry can be placed.
Donations are taken up to the Altar at the time an offering collection would normally be taken.
If you will be joining us regularly for worship, offering envelope sets for the current year are available; please ask a Churchwarden or our Treasurer for a set.
You can easily set up an automatic electronic monthly donation by emailing a request to In this way you give support to the church even if you are worshipping online or away. Withdrawals are made on or after the 10th or 25th (your choice) of each month.
Send your donation to:
St. Andrew's Memorial Anglican Church
Attn.: Treasurer
275 Mill Street
Kitchener, ON N2M 3R4
If you want your donation applied for a specific purpose please include a note. Please do not send cash by mail.