Engaging with Scripture and God this Week Readings (Lent 1 )
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18. At this point in the book of Genesis, the perspective changes from the story of humanity to the story of Abram, who will become Abraham, and of God's chosen people. Today's reading repeats earlier promises to Abram about descendants and the land. It describes the sealing of the covenant between God and Abraham in a symbolic ceremony.
Psalm 27. The first part of Psalm 27 is a psalm of trust that speaks of Yahweh, the Lord, in the third person. The second section is a lament draw addressed to Yahweh in the second person. This latter section presents the situation of someone, unjustly accused, who is coming to the temple to seek the Lord's decision and offer sacrifice.
Philippians 3:17—4:1. Paul’s invitation to imitate him just as he imitates Christ reflects the reality of the Christian life as response to a person rather than as belief in a set of dogmas. Paul reminds the Christians of the transformation awaiting them when the Saviour returns, and he therefore encourages them to be steadfast now.
Luke 13:31-35 begins with a warning from the Pharisees for Jesus about Herod’s plan to kill him, but it becomes a reflection on the nature of Jesus’ life and mission (which reach their ultimate goal in his death) and then on the tragic role played by Jerusalem in the life of Jesus and other prophets. The passage invites Christians today to reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ life and death and on the role we play in the continuing mission of Jesus.